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Git introduction: Start simple, later increase the level of complexity


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What level of complexity is necessary for each project?
  • Is one branch enough?

What level of branching complexity is necessary for each project?

Simple personal projects

  • Typically start with just the master branch.
  • Use branches for unfinished/untested ideas.
  • Use branches when you are not sure about a change.

Projects with few persons, you accept things breaking

  • It might be reasonable to commit to the master branch and feature branches.

Projects with few persons, changes are reviewed by others

  • The master branch is write-protected.
  • You create new feature branches for changes.
  • Changes are reviewed before they are merged to the master branch (more about that in the collaborative Git lesson).

When you distribute releases

  • If you want to patch releases, you probably need release branches.
  • The master branch and release branches are read-only.
  • Many branching models exist.

How about staging?

  • It is OK to start committing directly.
  • If you are unsure about size of commits, rather create too many commits than too few: you can always combine commits later.
  • Later you can start using the staging area.
  • Later start using git add -p.

Key points

  • There is no one size fits all - start simple and grow your project.